Use Facebook to Let Low-Income Families Know: "You've Got a Friend"
Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning and the Salvation Army are raising $10,000 to help low-income households pay heating bills during the upcoming cold winter months. For every new Facebook Like on the Service Experts Facebook page during the month of December, the company will donate $1 to the Salvation Army Housing and Homeless Services program, up to $10,000.

The donation will be specifically used to help families and individuals pay utility bills this winter. (This family service program also helps families with emergency food, housing, and other similar needs.) “During the coldest months of the year, going without heat in your home literally can be life-threatening,” said Dave Moody, Field Marketing Director for Service Experts. “But sometimes, unless they get assistance, low-income families face a choice between mortgage payments, buying groceries, or paying their utility bills. New friends of our Service Experts Facebook page will also be helping others who could really use help from a friend at this time of year.”
The Service Experts Facebook page includes a wide variety of ideas and suggestions to improve your home and family life or just to entertain. For instance, recent posts have included:
a link to “20 Activities to Do with Your Family This Weekend” from,
home design ideas and useful links,
a link to a CBS Morning News segment on the innovative new Nest programmable thermostat,
photos from the Service Experts team at International Coastal Clean-Up Day in Florida,
funny Service Experts commercials, and more.
The Salvation Army was established in 1865 and has been supporting those in need for 129 years in the United States. Nearly 30 million Americans receive assistance from The Salvation Army each year through the broadest array of social services. About 83 cents of every dollar raised is used to support those services in 5,000 communities nationwide. For more information, go to

Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning
Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning, based in Dallas, Texas, is North America’s largest heating and air conditioning brand, with over 108 locations serving more than 2,100 homes and businesses per day. Service Experts branches provide heating repair, air conditioning repair, indoor air quality sales, HVAC system sales and installation, HVAC maintenance and HVAC repair service for both the residential and commercial HVAC markets. Find Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning at or at