11 10 00 Vehicle and Pedestrian Equipment

11 10 00 Vehicle and Pedestrian Equipment

Parking Gates

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Parking gates are a type of access control hardware.  They are commonly used in parking lots.  Many parking lots which have gates are paid lots, meaning the driver of the vehicle has to pay to park in that particular lot.  A typical configuration of a parking gate involves two sets of gates, one at the entrance and one at the exit.  The set of gates at the entrance usually requires the driver of the vehicle to pull up in front of the gate and retrieve a ticket from a cabinet; once the ticket is distributed, the gate opens to allow access to the parking lot.  When the driver is ready to leave, he or she drives up to the second set of gates which is located at the lot exit, and submits payment either directly to an attendant or through an automated system.  Once the driver has paid, the gate opens.