13 21 48 Sound-Conditioned Rooms

13 21 48 Sound-Conditioned Rooms

Sound-Conditioned Rooms

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Sound conditioned rooms seek to reduce or nearly eliminate noise propagation through a building space, and are used when quiet settings are required. Sound waves coming from outside which create noise within a room can be mitigated by absorbing them after they enter, or, preferably, by dampening them before they enter a room. The same concept applies in reverse when trying to contain noises within a room. Examples of sound conditioned rooms include music recording studios and building mechanical rooms which contain heating and cooling equipment. Different methods of sound conditioning a room are required depending upon whether the room is part of a new construction project or whether it is being retro-fitted after construction. New construction allows the greatest potential for noise reduction, since the goals are known during initial design. Retro-fitting efforts rely more commonly on sound absorption materials than they do upon dampening techniques that can be consciously designed in during initial construction plans.