At Home / DIY

How Insulation Can Save You Money

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Insulation can save you money. Homeowners heat and cool their houses with various types of energy which fluctuate in price on a regular basis due to a variety of variables that are outside of their control. Lowering your thermostat, installing a programmable thermostat, or enrolling in a monthly budget plan could lower your bills; however, you may have overlooked the one thing that can truly lower your energy expenses, insulation. Investing in insulation can save you money, paying you back over time through reduced monthly energy expenses, as well as providing greater year-round comfort and a quieter indoor environment.

Cash for Caulkers Details

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Cash for Caulkers, officially titled “HOMESTAR,” is designed to entice Americans to make energy efficient upgrades to their home. Just as Cash for Clunkers increased auto sales by offering tax rebates to Americans who exchanged their inefficient cars for more fuel-friendly models, the Cash for Caulkers program hopes to boost the demand for building products by offering point-of-sale tax rebates for energy efficient upgrades such as insulation. Cash for Caulkers also aims to create jobs through installation services, reduce household energy costs by hundreds of dollars a year, and reduce the nation’s dependency on oil.

Maintenance Tips: Washing Machines

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According to the Study of Life Expectancy of Home Components, which was prepared in 2007 by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), the average life expectancy of a washing machine is 10 years. While washing machines are not made to last forever, performing simple maintenance will help to ensure they last as long or longer than expected, and will actually reduce the likelihood that your washing machine will be the cause of significant water damage to your home.

Maintenance Tips: Bathroom Vanities

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Bathroom vanities are comprised of a base or furniture cabinet, a countertop mounted to the top of the cabinet, a sink, a faucet, and a drain stop assembly located at the bottom of the sink which allows water to drain or be collected. Maintaining each component can be overwhelming, given that there are several different styles, manufacturers, and types of materials used. However, there are only a few components that require regular inspection and/or maintenance to ensure proper function.

Set The Mood: Install A Dimmer Switch

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Three recessed ceiling light fixtures flood the fireplace in our family room. Sometime after we moved in, the dimmer switch that controls the lights stopped functioning properly. It turned the lights on and off, but did not dim them. We were not concerned with our inability to dim the lights and affect the mood of the room because the light bulbs' brightness at that time was not an issue. Recently, we started replacing our incandascent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL). The CFL bulbs we purchased have a higher lumen output than the incandescents, resulting in a brighter light. It was now time to solve our dimming problem.

When Power Tools Attack: Man Shocked By Table Saw

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While catching up on my daily dose of news, I came across a rather interesting story out of Olympia, Washington.   After a local woman found out that her husband was leaving her, she allegedly tampered with his power tools, switching the positive and negative wires in an attempt to get back at him.

To Catch A Contractor: Hire The Right Person

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Remodeling is a huge investment - one of the biggest you will make after purchasing your home. Depending on your comfort level and general understanding of construction, hiring a contractor may be a necessity. It is important to know your limits. If you need to hire a contractor, then do so, but don’t just open a phonebook and call the first name you see.

Let There Be Light: Installing Lighting Fixtures

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In a recent survey conducted by the Foundation of the Fabricators and Manufacturers Association, 60% of the 1,000 people surveyed stated that they avoided installing light fixtures.  Homeowners surveyed also avoided unclogging a drain and replacing a window pane, among other things.  To see all of the projects homeowners avoided, read Survey Says: Homeowners Avoid Simple Repairs.  Over the next few months, the At Home channel will provide how-to articles covering all projects on the list.  Our main goal is to show how easy the repairs actually are and that homeowners can do the work themselves.

Safety First!

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Safety tends to be overlooked while working around the house.  I once tried to move a ladder while I was standing on top of it. Instead of climbing down and moving the ladder over a few feet, I attempted to save some time. As you can imagine, that idea did not turn out the way I had planned.