07 01 00 Operation and Maintenance of Thermal and Moisture Protection

07 01 00 Operation and Maintenance of Thermal and Moisture Protection

Thermal Imaging: An Important Maintenance Tool

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Thermal imaging or infrared thermography is a nondestructive maintenance method that uses infrared cameras to measure the amount of thermal radiation emitted by objects, which is converted to temperature. Normally, to measure the temperature of objects near room temperature requires the detection of radiation in the infrared wavelength range (which is much longer than that of visible light, i.e., approximately 400–700 nanometers). Infrared images are normally colorized so that objects that emit more thermal radiation than others will appear as brighter colors (yellow, red, and white). Cooler objects appear in darker blue, purple, or green colors. Although thermal imaging normally detects only surface temperatures, infrared signatures often indicate temperatures inside structures.

Chasing Roof Leaks

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Chasing water leaks means working backwards. Instead of using the best materials to put a project together, you must break apart a masterpiece to find a flaw. Without x-ray vision and a clear way to proceed, the job could be a real headache. A good approach to chasing water is to form a checklist of possibilities and eliminate each one until the mystery is solved. Understanding how water behaves will make working through the clues faster and more efficient.

Estimating the Payback Period of Additional Insulation

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Use the equation below to estimate the cost effectiveness of adding insulation in terms of the "years to payback" for savings in heating costs. Years to payback is the time required for the insulation to save enough fuel from heating (at present prices) to pay for itself. A simple payback is the initial investment divided by annual savings after taxes.



Roof Replacement

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This topic includes information related to membrane roof replacement performed during the life cycle of a structure. Membrane roofing is a type of flat roofing material made from synthetic rubber, thermoplastic or modified bitumen. Membrane roofing material will need to be maintained during the life cycle of a structure. Maintenance could be minor repair or major replacement, when this occurs depends on the type of material, quality of installation and the result of exposure to the elements.