We'll Have a Green Christmas with Cowboy Bob
One of our KnowledgeBase writers, Robert Klar, otherwise known as Cowboy Bob, is a holidays enthusiast who would like to share some of his ideas about how to make the holidays an enjoyably green experience. He shares with us a few tips about LED lights that tie into the At Home article Christmas Light Safety. As for me, I greatly enjoyed walking through the Columbus Zoo's new LED Wildlights Display, sponsored this year by AEP with over 3 million brightly shining bulbs.
While we hope to inspire families to change out their traditional Christmas stings of lights with LED's this year, like Prince Charles has done for Buckingham Palace, the greater goal is to invoke a stronger, more broad use of the new LED technology in all light sources. After all, 6% of all electricity use in the U.S. comes from lighting sources. LED's are more than twice as efficient as compact fluorescents. So, look forward to watching how LED technology progresses in the coming years.
Happy Holidays!

LED Christmas Lights by Robert Klar
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way… what do you associate with the season? For me, it’s the lights. Oh, how I love to see all those lights dancing around the room and all over the house. But even as I enjoy it, there are others chomping at the bit to shut down my Christmas in favor of so called “going green, save the planet” and the like. I reason that Santa was around a lot longer than the planet. After all he has an endless supply of fuel as he jets all around the world every Christmas eve, stopping at every house wherein there is a good little boy or girl.
Unfortunately, green issues are very real. So, how do we "go green" for Christmas without cutting out the lights? Here come energy efficient Christmas lights. I’ll tell you, when I saw this, I knew Santa Claus was real. Check it out. LED (light emitting diodes) Christmas lights are the cutting edge, the latest thing, hip and rad all rolled into one package. There are so many benefits to using the new LED lights.
Here are a few benefits to using LED Christmas Lights:
1. LED's use only 20% as much electricity as incandescent bulbs - the type of bulbs in traditional strands of Christmas lights.
2. How long do you expect a normal string of lights to last? About one year. LED lights, on the other hand, last at least ten years, and have been known to last as long as 22 years.
3. LED's do not have any poisonous materials such as the mercury found in fluorescent bulbs.
4. Although LED's do cost more than normal lights, just think how much money you will save in your energy bill.
5. Storage is a zip. The lights do not jar each other loose in transit or storage.
So, when is the best time to buy these gems, LED lights? You got it, the day after Christmas and every day leading up to inventory in preparation for that year’s tax returns. For this year, just enjoy the brilliance and vivid colors on a few homes around your city or go to YouTube like I do.

Stephanie Aurora Lewis
Stephanie, an NCARB registered architect and LEED AP, draws upon her studies in architectural history and theory from Sarah Lawrence College and her master’s degree in architecture from The Ohio State University. Providing copy for publications and performing marketing work for the construction industry, Stephanie works as an independent freelancer from Columbus, Ohio.
Website: greengaloredesigner.blogspot.com/