
Chasing Roof Leaks

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Chasing water leaks means working backwards. Instead of using the best materials to put a project together, you must break apart a masterpiece to find a flaw. Without x-ray vision and a clear way to proceed, the job could be a real headache. A good approach to chasing water is to form a checklist of possibilities and eliminate each one until the mystery is solved. Understanding how water behaves will make working through the clues faster and more efficient.

Water Saving and Lawn Care Tips

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Sprinkler System Installation Guide

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Irrigation: Is Grass Greener on the Other Side?

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Water is essential to grass. Healthy grass is composed of 75 - 85% water, and water assists with seed germination, maintaining plant temperature, and tissue development, along with food and nutrient processes. Without water, grass is susceptible to disease, will brown and wilt and, although very resilient, may die. Healthy, lush, green grass is achieved from thorough, regular watering, which develops deep, drought-resistant roots. The amount of water, frequency, and method of watering depends on where you live, what type of grass you grow, and how you approach completing the task. Common methods include manual watering and automatic sprinkler systems.

Christmas Light Safety

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The more lights the better, right? Although lights are visually appealing and, personally, my favorite, the “Christmas Vacation” mentality can lead to a lot of problems if proper precautions are not taken. Christmas lights use a lot of electricity. Improperly installed, they can cause overloaded circuits and wires to overheat. Enough heat could be generated to eventually burn and ignite other items in the area.

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