Low-Flow Urinals
Most people don’t realize that nearly 65% of all urinals in use today exceed the maximum allowable flush standards set by the federal government. This shortfall indicates a tremendous opportunity for building owners and managers to reduce their operating expenses through the implementation of high-performance, low-flow urinals.
According to the EPA, a WaterSense-labeled urinal only uses 0.5 gallons per flush (gpf), compared to 1.5–4.5 gpf for older models. That can reduce a facility's water use by nearly 4,600 gallons per year (4.6 kilo-gallons). Assuming you live in an area that charges $10 per kilo-gallon ($5 for water and $5 for sewage), that would equate to a savings of nearly $50 per year. When comparing that to an average total installed price of $500, the simple payback is 10 years with an ROI of 10%.
Low-Flow Urinals is an exert from ROI-Driven Products: Low-Flow Fixtures by Michael Tolson.

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