
Emerging Green Technologies

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With pollution levels rising around the world, we’re developing alternatives to traditional energy sources more and more each year. Here’s a rundown of the emerging technologies that allow us to bring electricity and resources to our households in the most environmentally friendly ways.

Simonton Windows Offers Window Safety Tips for National Window Safety Week, April 7-13

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When it comes to windows, homeowners need to be vigilant in making sure that children understand the importance of safety. As part of National Window Safety Week, April 7-13, 2013, the experts at Simonton Windows recommend parents of youngsters adopt an extremely cautious attitude with children and the windows in their home.

Home Buyers Want Quality Entry Doors

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MAUMEE, OHIO – According to the 2012 National Association of Home Builders™ (NAHB®) “What Home Buyers Really Want” study, new and potential home buyers focus in on quality and appearance when looking at the exterior doors of a home. And, the focus on quality increases steadily as the age of the person gets older, jumping in importance from 43 percent of respondents in the Gen Y age range to 63 percent of respondents in the Seniors age range.

Home Buyers Want Crown Moulding

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In the 2012 National Association of Home Builders™ (NAHB®) “What Home Buyers Really Want” study, new and potential home buyers aren’t shy about their preference for wanting crown moulding --- it’s rated the third most essential decorative feature in the home.

Vinyl Window Replacement Projects Pay Off for Homeowners

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According to the REMODELING 2012-13 Cost vs. Value Report homeowners can recoup 71.2 percent of their costs when replacing existing windows in their home with energy efficient vinyl windows. This results in a vinyl window replacement project having more return on investment for consumers than adding another major home upgrade, like remodeling a bathroom, kitchen or sunroom.