Design | Remodeling

The Many “Faces” of Copper

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True copper roof accents have many faces. The newly installed gleam of shiny yellow-orange morphs over time into deep brown, then green, and finally a dullish blue-green color. Due to the oxidizing process of copper, this durable metal ages and changes when exposed to the weather. While fun to watch, the changes in copper presents a challenge when selecting a roof color that will look good with every “face” of the copper in the long term.

Saving Every Drop

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Builders, remodelers, and homeowners eager to maximize natural resources are hoping for rainy weather. The environmentally friendly efforts of these concerned people rely on harvesting rainwater as a major initiative toward reducing water and energy costs by homeowners. What is the most popular collection point for rainwater? The roof.

Optimum Value Engineering

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"Optimum value engineering" gets you the biggest bang for your construction buck. Learn how to use common sense and weigh your goals against your options to apply this thrifty approach to your next project .