
Vintage Doily Table Runner

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Set a fantastic and festive table with vintage doilies. Rachael Ranney, host of Buildipedia's {Re}habitat, takes you step by step through this easy project, perfect work for a chilly evening.

Create a beautiful table runner using vintage linen and cotton doilies to bring some unique flair to your holiday dinner parties. I have often come across large collections of these linens at antique malls and flea markets. You may have to begin acquiring them one or two at a time, but try to buy them in bulk from an individual dealer: you’ll probably get a better deal.

London 2012: Aquatics Centre by Zaha Hadid

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Zaha Hadid’s building at the London 2012 Olympic Park is more than simply an aquatic center: it will factor largely into the public experience of the Olympic Games.

For the gateway to London’s Olympic Park, internationally acclaimed architect Zaha Hadid was selected to design one of her signature sculptural buildings. Hadid's London Aquatics Centre will be the venue for Swimming, Diving, Synchronized Swimming, Paralympic Swimming, and the aquatic portion of the Modern Pentathlon. It is scheduled to host 192 events in all.

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Florida Southern College: Child of the Sun

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The Florida Southern College campus offers the world’s largest collection of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings on a single site. The 10 interconnected structures offer an unparalleled view of how Wright intended buildings to be part of a larger, organic whole.

"Out of the ground, and into the light, a Child of the Sun": Wright’s simple but powerful statement describing Florida Southern College offers us a glimpse into the mind of America’s most influential, iconic, and (yes) poetic architect. It also informs us of the organic nature of his architectural thought and practice and is a signpost of his philosophy. Simultaneously, it gives us something of a prophecy regarding the possibilities of biophilic design. Wright championed his own philosophy of organic architecture and, while not 100% compatible with today’s ideas of biophilic design, it certainly laid a strong foundation of intellectual and philosophical support for the movement. Wright’s statement also conjures up images of the profound relationship his buildings displayed with regard to Nature (that’s Nature with a capital N, as he was fond of saying). It is worth noting here that his words could have easily come from one of his creative heroes, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Thoreau, or Walt Whitman, all of whom had a galvanizing effect on Wright’s thinking and his philosophy of how nature and architecture can be part of an organic whole.

Biophilia: Our Affinity for Nature Can Help Us to Transform Our Living Spaces

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What is it that makes a person like a building? Beyond simple differences in individual taste, scientists are identifying biologically based responses that determine our preferences.

Green design can mean many things. Even the most structured green building rating systems reflect this fact. At their most encompassing, rating systems can include far reaching social and cultural goals; at their most pragmatic, these systems still emphasize the importance of environmental quality for the end user. However, this type of imprecise consideration is often overshadowed by components that are more measurable, such as energy-efficient heating and cooling systems or water usage.

Ross Barney Architects: The University of Minnesota Duluth’s James I. Swenson Civil Engineering Building

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Structural and mechanical systems used in the Swenson Civil Engineering Building, located on the University of Minnesota Duluth campus, serve as a teaching tool for the program’s students.

In 2008, The University of Minnesota Duluth began offering a B.S. in Civil Engineering. The new program required the construction of its own building, and Ross Barney Architects were hired to design the 35,300 sq. ft James I. Swenson Civil Engineering Building, which was completed in 2010.

London 2012: Velodrome by Hopkins Architects

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Hopkins Architects’ design for the London 2012 Olympic Games Velodrome reflects the elegance, efficiency, and sustainability of the sport it supports.

The Olympic track cycling venue, or Velodrome, by Hopkins Architects, is considered the most sustainable venue in the Olympic Park in terms of design and construction. The overall inspiration for the design was the bicycle – a fitting choice, considering the building’s purpose. In a monograph published by The Architects’ Journal, Hopkins Architects senior partner Mike Taylor says, “Right from the off, we wanted it to feel like a bicycle in terms of its engineering, i.e., very taut and nothing superfluous. Everything trimmed down to the minimum.”

The Procrastinating Blogger

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Meet Jeff Wilson, construction industry expert and host of more than 200 episodes of home improvement shows. Get the inside scoop from Jeff right here on his Everyday DIY blog – and join in the conversation yourself!

I know you’ve been diligently following my DIY Video Series on the At Home Channel here at I mean, c’mon, who would miss all of the excitement of home renovation “as seen on At Home?”

Prevent Basement Flooding with a Backup Sump Pump System

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It’s no fun to end up with wet feet when you step into your basement, not to mention the fact that extensive flooding can cause real damage. Even if you have a sump pump, it is a piece of equipment that can fail just when you need it most. Find out what your options are for a backup pump and what it will cost.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." — Benjamin Franklin

Houses with in-ground basements, if they were built after the 1980s, commonly have AC-powered sump pumps installed. The sole purpose of such a pump is to discharge groundwater that is collected in a sump, then direct it outside and away from the foundation. The anticipated life span of a pump depends on how often it’s used, as well as the size, type, and quality of the pump installed. Unfortunately, there is no definitive duration of time that one can expect a sump pump to last; it may operate for 5, 15, or even 30 years. No matter the age of the pump, it won’t operate during a power failure, and such failures are common enough occurrences during severe storms. For these reasons, a sump pump’s failure to operate cannot be planned for. The best work-around is to put in place a preventative measure, such as a battery or water powered backup sump pump system, to insure that groundwater is collected and removed.

Auctions 101: Preparing for Your First Auction

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Don't be afraid to try your luck at an auction. Rachael Ranney, host of Buildipedia's {Re}habitat, shares some insider tips for making your first auction experience a successful one.

Let me start by admitting openly that I love, love, love auctions! The moment I score a great deal on that one-of-a-kind, beautiful piece is an unassailable thrill. Listening to a great auctioneer generate buzz and excitement about the wares he is selling will never cease to entertain me.

ROI-Driven Products: Appliances

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Replacing old appliances really can save energy – and money. How much money? These calculations, based on Energy Star labeling, help you find out.

Over the past decade, many Americans have seen the need to reduce their energy consumption. Some people have chosen to pursue this lifestyle change in order to live green and save the planet. In many cases, though, this reduction in energy consumption is driven by the savings that can be achieved by decreasing energy costs. Opportunities to deliver these energy savings occur throughout a home: replacing old appliances with new ones can create a significant return on investment (ROI).

What Is Green Infrastructure?

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Buildipedia asks Adam Strafaci of Autodesk about the changes that are coming to infrastructure design, how new software is entering the marketplace, and what the programs' users should expect.

3D computer modeling and, more broadly, the collaborative workflows that are being built upon that technology platform are changing the construction industry. The pace of change is so fast that it can be hard for professionals to stay on top of emerging trends. The Buildipedia community posed several design-specific questions to Adam Strafaci, Sr. Industry Marketing Manager of Infrastructure for Autodesk, Inc., the company that is the recognized leader in modeling software. Here Adam answers those questions and explains the latest major development – green infrastructure and its supporting software

Applying Finishing Touches to Concrete Foundation Walls

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Adding a finished surface to your basement wall will make it feel more like a "real" room. Learn the how-to steps here and find out what material choice would work best for you.

An unfinished basement can be a dark and damp place that is rarely used for anything other than storage. Although the basement is commonly left unfinished when a home is built, at some point during the life cycle of the home the residents usually require additional living space; the square footage of a basement typically provides ample space for a family room, home office, or even a playroom. A key component to finishing a basement is applying finishes to the exterior foundation walls. Understanding what types of finishes are available will assist you in creating a fully habitable, comfortable, and healthy living space.