Quality Control Key to Carolina Custom Homes of Burlington
Builder Fabian Sparrow relies on the benefits of offsite modular construction to guarantee the quality of his custom modular homes. Built in a controlled environment and not subjected to the natural elements, the homes produced by Carolina Custom Homes of Burlington are efficiently created and then transported to the job site.
“The impressive thing about custom modular homes is that they’re built not only to withstand daily living conditions, but they must also be built stronger than conventional site-built homes due to the transportation and installation requirements,” says Sparrow, co-owner of Carolina Custom Homes of Burlington in North Carolina. “The assembly line construction we employ greatly increases the efficiency of our operations, quality control and provides great labor savings.”
Once at the job site, Sparrow turns to Superior Walls for their foundation systems. “The basements from Superior Walls are pretty much constructed the same way as our homes,” says Sparrow. “They’re built in climate-controlled settings at Superior Walls of North Carolina and then picked up by a crane and set in place on the site. This duplicates the process of our home construction.
“We find the Superior Walls manufacturing to be smart, innovative and efficient. We’re able to save about 30 days on construction time when we use a Superior Walls Xi™ wall foundation on a project since they’re installed in just hours. The fact that the precast concrete walls come pre-studded and insulated saves us about 5 to 10 percent in costs over traditional block foundation. The result is we get a stronger, smarter foundation for our homes.”
Driving Home the Message
Sparrow has been so impressed with the way Superior Walls products set his company apart from his competition that he customized his truck as a “moving billboard” for Superior Walls.
“People love my truck and become very curious about basement walls and foundations,” says Sparrow. “The truck graphics lead us into conversations about the advantages of precast concrete foundations, which inevitably brings us to the sale.”
The team at Carolina Custom Homes of Burlington has also promoted their company with cable television ads, radio and newspaper advertisements. However, the “mobile billboard” of Sparrow’s truck is one of the most fun ways they get their message across to potential customers. “We’ve seen a steady increase in our Internet traffic and social media connections resulting from the truck graphics,” says Sparrow. “The truck wrap has definitely been one of my smartest advertising strategies for our company.”
Started in 2011, Carolina Custom Homes of Burlington specializes in creating ENERGY STAR® certified homes. For more information, visit www.nccustommodulars.com.
Superior Walls products are resource efficient, using up to 70 percent less concrete in a new home than conventional foundations. The energy-efficient walls help lower energy costs and reduce energy leakage while providing increased living space in a comfortable setting. For details on Superior Walls products, visit www.superiorwalls.com.
Superior Walls
Available nationwide through licensees in a variety of states, Superior Walls foundations have been installed since 1981 when the company introduced the original R-5 Superior Walls precast foundation system. Superior Walls products are the first and only foundation systems to have attained the Green Approved Product designation by the NAHB Research Center, earning builders points on a project toward a National Green Building Certification. The company is a member of the International Code Council and the US Green Building Council. For more information, call 1-800-452-9255 or visit www.superiorwalls.com
Website: www.superiorwalls.com