Molded-Face Concrete Unit Masonry
Molded-face concrete unit masonry is a scored concrete masonry unit which is manufactured with one or more vertical scores on the face to simulate additional mortar joints in the wall. Scored units reduce the perceived scale of the masonry while still allowing construction using full sized units.
Topic Summary
The scores are molded into the face of the unit during manufacture. Units with one vertical score are most common, and give the appearance of 8 in. x 8 in. units laid in stack bond. Units may also be available with 2, 3, 5, or 7 vertical scores. It is usually desirable to lay units so that scores or ribs align vertically when the units are placed. This may require different bond patterns, depending on the configuration of the scores or ribs. For example, units with two and five scores can be placed in either stack bond or in a one-third running bond to align scores in adjacent courses. Note that varying bond patterns can impact how the wall responds to structural loads.
Striated (Raked) Units - Striated units achieve an overall texture by means of small vertical grooves molded into the unit face. The striations are most often random, to achieve a naturally rough look, but are sometimes available in uniform striation patterns. Striation can be applied to scored and ribbed units as well.
Soft Split - A soft split unit is produced using a special mold which textures the face of the unit as it is removed from the mold. The appearance from a distance is very similar to that of a split face, while a closer inspection shows a surface that is not as well defined as that achieved with a conventional split face. In addition, aggregate is not fractured in a soft split as it is in a conventional split face unit. As a result, the final appearance is not significantly affected by aggregate choice.
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