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Learn how adaptive reuse and upcycling can add hip design to your home, apartment, or yard with the Go Green channel's {Re}habitat series. Follow host Rachael Ranney as she shows you how to repurpose salvaged and found materials, adding fun and function to your space without breaking your budget.

Suggest repurposing projects for Rachael in the comments below!

Rental kitchens and apartment kitchens can be small places, and your lease may limit your decorating options. However, these decorating ideas for rental kitchens take limitations of small spaces and leases into account.

GlaxoSmithKline's new Double HQ in Philly's Navy Yard is awarded double LEED Platinum and emphasizes connectedness, natural light, and feedback from employees.

In today’s mobile society, relocating is more common than ever. Being aware of renters’ rights and following these moving tips can help make the moving process go quickly and seamlessly.

If you’re planning to build a house on a rural site, it’s a good idea to try to camp there first, to get a sense of the site’s key features and best orientations. These houses blur the boundary between indoors and outdoors.

In the interests of energy efficiency, saving money, and protecting the environment, many homeowners are selecting alternative means of supplying daily utilities such as electricity and hot water. For example, solar water heaters can help homeowners successfully meet these growing interests.

Toyo Ito is the 2013 Pritzker Prize winner.

Don't forget to consider the impact that flooring has when you're building or remodeling a home. We recommend taking a look at hardwood, woven and recycled wood products, bamboo, cork, and Marmoleum.

If you have ever hunted for a new home, you have probably done a drive-by. Most potential buyers prefer to view the outside of a home before they schedule an inside viewing.